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The next release of C# 6 has some amazing new features. In a series of blog posts I will cover some of them.

Using the versatile string.Format required a lot of typing and keeping the numbed placeholders in sync with the method parameters.

var numerator = 1;
var denominator = 2;

Console.WriteLine("Fraction {0}/{1}", numerator, denominator);

// Output:
//   Fraction 1/2

In C# 6 is it a lot easier with String interpolation:

var numerator = 1;
var denominator = 2;

Console.WriteLine("Fraction {numerator}/{denominator}");

// Output:
//   Fraction 1/2

Referencing the variable, property or field directly within the string. It is even possible to access properties or use expressions.

public class Person
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public Address HomeAddress { get; set; }

  public override string ToString()
    return string.Format("{Name} lives in {HomeAddress.City}.");

The string.Format is not event needed, but use the shorthand notation $.

return $("{Name} lives in {HomeAddress.City}.";

This is easily combinable with an expression and the null-conditional operator (?.) operator.

return $"{Name} lives in {HomeAddress?.City ?? "City unknown"}.";

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