1 minute read

The day started with a keynote from @Falkvinge from the Pirate Party. I wasn’t expecting much from this keynote, but I was pleasantly surprised. First of all, I assumed that I knew quite a bit about the Pirate Party – I was wrong! Facts: the Pirate Party is present in 150 countries and has 2 European Union parliament members. These guys are serious and not just a protest party wanting to legalize sharing copyrighted material. They are fighting the problems with limiting access to knowledge and ideas. They are emphasizing that exclusive right like patents, copyright and subsidizing are counterproductive. That’s so true! @Falkvinge disrupted my brain – that’s great, because that is why I’m here!

Next up was great presentation of graph databases by Jim Webber – fast speaking provocative British architect from Neo4J. He (re)spiked my interest in ‘other’ databases and stressed that each type of database like relational, object, key-value stores, document,  graph etc. databases each fit their problem domain. So you shouldn’t just pick RavenDB because it is the new hot think in .Net sphere (or because Ayende aka Oren Eini says so). I will definitely take a look Net4J with the .Net client library Neo4jClient . Another great point from Jim Webber was; ACID does scale (though many claims otherwise), but he stressed it was distributed ACID with 2PC that doesn’t scale.

From then on I attended a couple of unfortunate sessions (not worth mentioning). Now it is time for the conference party where the beer is sponsored by Atlassian.
